Fwd: Announcement for list plus order form
Felix Sperling
Felix.Sperling at ualberta.ca
Thu Oct 31 01:40:44 EST 2002
Forwarded on behalf of the authors .....
>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 18:47:46 -0800
>From: warrena at science.oregonstate.edu
>The annotated "Scientific Names List for Butterfly Species of North
>America, North of Mexico" by P.A. Opler and A.D. Warren has just
>been published
>in the Contributrions of the Gillette Museum of Arthropod Biodiversity. The
>retail price is $18.00 (postage paid).
>This is the first list of scientific names of North American butterfly
>species prepared and reviewed by systematists since that of C.D. Ferris
>This list contains the most current scientific names for 780 North American
>butterfly species (Papilionoidea and Hesperiodea). Authorship and date of
>publication (many corrected) are included. The original spelling of
>species names are given in accord with recent practices. Annotations with
>literature citations are given for many of the names as explanation for
>their current usage. Species are numbered for curatorial
>purposes (subspecies are not listed). Significant input was provided by many
>lepidopterists, but especially significant input was provided by Gerardo Lamas
>(author of Neotropical Butterfly Checklist [in press]) and Jonathan Pelham
>(author of upcoming synonymical catalogue of North American butterflies [in
>preparation], which will include subspecies).
>Also included are a list of Hawaiian butterflies and a list of species
>names excluded from the North American fauna (with brief explanations).
>The strength of this list is not only its completely up-to-date nomenclature,
>but the fact that over 380 references are provided that substantiate the names
>The list in 83 pages in length, has clear plastic cover, black plastic back
>cover, and black coil binding for durability.
>You may return a copy of this e-mail with your payment made out to Gillette
>Publications, Department of Bioagricultural Sciences, Colorado State
>University,Fort Collins, CO 80523 U.S.A.
>Number of copies_________Funds included____________________
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