Lep lovers film

B. Shur mr_utamaro at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 31 17:44:58 EST 2002

I'm working on my degree project in the film department at the Rhode Island 
school design. My film is about lepidopterists searching for an imaginary 
butterfly. I would greatly appreciate feedback from lepidopterists on the 
script, attached to this e-mail as a text file.

Please respond to my address
mr_utamaro at hotmail.com
so as not to clutter the list.

A few notes.
Bennington is not a representation of Dr. Remmington, I have never met the 
Any similarity between characters and actual people is pure coincidence.
This is a first draft and it lean much farther to the silly side than I 
think the final film will
Right now it is weak in science, I hope to add more valid facts from the 
world of leps.

Thank you!

Brad Shur
"I like finding out about th' local weather,
but not going out in it!!"- Zippy

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