Releasers - Anne Kilmer couldn't possibly be more wrong!

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Mon Apr 28 12:41:15 EDT 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lili Pintea-Reed" <pinteareed at>
Subject: Re: Releasers - Anne Kilmer couldn't possibly be more wrong!

> The problem with the "absence of proof" argument is that it creates a
> syllogism -- a specious agument using the technique of logic. In the past
> these people were called Sophosists. Now we call them political speech
> writers.


Finally some truth...  Being a preacher, I am all to familiar with
con-artist one liners and catchy phrases that look and sound really really
good, but aint got a lick a truth to em.   All they do is entrap people
into thinking something that isn't true.   I don't believe that a catch
phrase an argument makes.

> As for releases I think we should have Releasing and Stocking programs to
> replace all the butterflies and other pollinators lost to spray programs,
> and gentically engineered BT programs..
> Best,
> Lil

Well, the Schaus was "saved" by a breeding program and MASSIVE NUMBERS
introduction (stocking) into a wild population, wasn't it?  As usual, X is
a terrible idea or thing - unless and until it benefits usens. Thanks Lil.

Ron Gatrelle

PS  I have heard that the smartest people are those who are superb liars.
They have to remember every bit of misinformation they put out.   While an
honest person doesn't have to "recall" much - just tell it like it is.


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