Fw: exporting exotic butterfly

Lili Pintea-Reed pinteareed at madbbs.com
Mon Aug 18 13:53:20 EDT 2003

here's some oen who is exporting exotics to collectors.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: merencillo maria ellen 
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 6:05 AM
Subject: exporting butterfly

Ma. Corona Butterfly Culture
Cawit, Boac, Marinduque 

P.O. BOX 29, 4900,Philippines

Tel.# 042-333-2056, 042-332-1405
Manila Tel # (02)714-0696

Dear Sir/Madam,


            Good day! I'm Maria Ellen Merencillo daughter of Ma.Corona Merencillo from Marinduque. I become interested since my family here is also own a small farm that concern with butterfly breeding, we also collect different kinds of species to export some country.

            We enter this business for all most 10 years.We are also a member of IABE  started  on Feb.7,2003

            In this connection I'm willing to send you a different species of pupae butterflies and also a died stock or dried butterflies with the permission of Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to transport the following species.


Species                                                                       Species


Papilio rumanzovia                                                       Papilio demoleus

Papilio palinurus                                                          Papilio polytes

Papilio lowi                                                                  Cethosia biblis

Papilio helenus                                                            Doleschalia bisaltide

Hebomoia glaucippe                                                     Ideopsis juventa                                   

Papilio Hipponous                                                        Hypolemnas bolina

Troides rhadamantus                                                    Danaus chrysuppus                                                                                                                                                      

Price US $0.80                                                           Price US $ 0.40 each



Idea leuconoe

                                    Pachliopta kotzeboea

                                    Parthenus Sylvia

Graphium Agamemnon

                                    Graphium sarpedon

                                    Graphium doson

                                    Chilasa Cyltia palephates

                                    Atlacus atlas


                                    Price US $ 0.60 each


If you are interested I gave you a samples of species, but we need an agreement  that the airfreight expenses (DHL cost) or transportation it comes from your company, because the price I give you is very low. I'm looking forward to have a new buyer.

For more information you can mail at my address or you can log on  to ellen1600 at yahoo.com

Thank you in advance...

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