Mexico---Valle Nacional

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Thu Feb 13 18:11:26 EST 2003

I'm very envious of your visit to Valle Nacional.  When Guy Tudor and I
travelled to Mexico in the late 60's, Valle Nacional was one of our targets.
The bird list was tantalizing.  But alas the road was passable only by big
trucks and buses, and we had to forego that experience and content ourselves
with Catemaco.  I'm glad there's something left to see on the Valle Nacional
road; I'd heard that most of the subtropical forest was gone.  MIKE GOCHFELD

Hank Brodkin wrote:

> When we were in Oaxaca a year ago in February, up in the pass at Valle
> Nacional at about 9,000' in pine/oak woodland  I saw several butterflies
> that looked very much like Nokomis Fritillary of the race coerulescens with
> wings black basally and bright orange distally. I can find no reference to
> this butterfly ranging further south than Madera and Chihuahua.
> Any insights?
> --------------------
> Hank Brodkin
> Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
> hbrodkin at
> SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association (SEABA)
> "Butterflies of Arizona - a Photographic Guide"
> by Bob Stewart, Priscilla Brodkin and Hank Brodkin
>  ------------------------------------------------------------
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