Entomology Texts

Dr. James Adams jadams at em.daltonstate.edu
Fri Feb 21 15:59:22 EST 2003


         Several folks asked me for a summary of the responses I received 
to my now two-week old request for Entomology Textbook titles.  What 
follows is a general summary:

Texts that I am most likely to use for my very general, majors/non-majors 

(from Gregory Zolnerowich)
1.  Introduction to Insect Biology and Diversity, H. V. Daly, J. T. Doyen, 
A. H. Purcell. Good biology, good illustrations, good taxonomy. I like how 
the identification keys work, they are broken into groups so one does not 
face a daunting 100-step key. A real contender. ISBN 0-19-510033-6.

(the following was suggested by virtually everyone replying)
2.  Introduction to the Study of Insects, Borror, Triplehorn, Johnson. Good 
basic info, general arthropod info, heavily weighted to taxonomy. ISBN 

Possible use after further review:

(from Sean Mullen)
1.  R.F. Chapman's "The Insects: Structure and Function" 4th Edition by 
Cambridge University Press.  ISBN 0521570484 for the hardback copy,  ISBN 
0521578906 for the paperback.

(from Rob Stevenson)
2.  A Field Guide to Insects by Richard E. White (Author), Donald J. Borror 

3.The Science of Entomology by J. G. Stoffolano, William S. Romoser

(from Andras Szito and Torbjørn Ekrem)
4.  Insects, The : An Outline of Entomology, Cranston,P.S (1994)

         or a more recent, modified edition:

The Insects: An Outline of Entomology, by P. J. Gullan, P. S. 
Cranston;  Paperback: 470 pages ; Publisher: Blackwell Science Inc; ; 2nd 
edition (March 15, 2000) ISBN: 0632053437
         available at Amazon.com: 

Other texts that were suggested, particularly because certain aspects were 

(from Gregory Zolnerowich)
1.  Fundamentals of Entomology, R. J. Elzinga. Good info, but horrid 
illustrations, and expensive. ISBN 0-13-011493-6.

2.  The Science of Entomology, W. S. Romoser and J. G. Stoffalano. Good 
illustrations, limited taxonomy, may be over their heads for detailed 
reading. ISBN 0-697-22848-7.

3.  The Insects, an Outline of Entomology, P. J. Gullan and P. S. Cranston. 
Good illustrations and info, limited taxonomy. ISBN 0-632-05343-7.

(from Herb Jacobson)
4.  "Insect Appreciation" by F. Tom Turpin published by Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co.

(from Andras Szito)
5.  The Insects of Australia, A textbook for students and research workers, 
I.D. Naumann, 1991. Melbourne University Press ISBN 0 522 84454 5
Cost ca. AU$ 300.00 which is about US$170-180. Understandable that it is
focusing largely on the Australian fauna but still one of the best book I 
ever seen.

         (Sounds like I need to get myself a copy, but too pricey and focus 
it probably inappropriate for                students in NW GA!)

Thanks again to everyone!!


James K. Adams
Phone: (706)272-4427
FAX:  (706)272-2235
Visit the Georgia Lepidoptera Website:
Also check out the Southern Lepidopterists' Society new Website:
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