1958 Membership List

Woody Woods woody.woods at umb.edu
Fri Feb 21 21:45:35 EST 2003

Stan, you should move more often! Kicking the attic dust supplies surprise
echoes not just to you, but to everyone on these lists, dating back to the
inconvenience of postage stamps -- thanks.

Would anyone care to contribute further to the history of lep
organizations-- particularly Lepidopterist's Society? As a relative newcomer
who appreciates the importance of the many unpublished contributions to this
field, I hope that some will respond.


William A. Woods Jr.
Department of Biology
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd
Boston, MA 02125

Lab: 617-287-6642
Fax: 617-287-6650

> From: "Stanley A. Gorodenski" <stanlep at extremezone.com>
> Reply-To: stanlep at extremezone.com
> Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 18:13:58 -0800
> To: leps-l at lists.yale.edu
> Subject: 1958 Membership List
> Today, in the process of a move, I looked through a folder I had kept
> for years. It contained old membership lists dating back to when I first
> joined the Lepidopterist's Society. The oldest one was 1958. It appears
> back then membership lists were generated every other year because I
> have gaps corresponding to this. It was interesting to see the 1958
> profile of some individuals I now know. I also pondered how I became
> aware of the organization because I was only 15 at the time and was
> quite the loner. There was no one to direct me. I don't have Klott's
> Peterson guide to the Eastern Butterflies readily at hand (it is 75
> miles from my current location), but my guess is that the society was
> listed in the book. Out of curiosity I counted 581 members in 1958 with
> 118 of these being listed as charter members. It was really a thrill to
> see this old document almost a half century old.
> Stan
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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