1958 Membership List

Woody Woods woody.woods at umb.edu
Mon Feb 24 20:16:22 EST 2003

I've looked, though maybe not hard enough. Where is that Lep Soc history
available (except, partley, in Stan's attic)? --I'm a physiologist, not a
taxonomist, but without good taxonomy, comparative physiology is not, well,

Interesting how we know so much about the limited number of species in the
U.K., where there is a long history of incredibly talented amateurs-- cited
in textbooks-- who have come up with many of the fundamental ideas we are
still testing in parts of the world where there is far greater species
diversity. That's why I am interested in the history of amateur work in the
U.S. and elsewhere.


William A. Woods Jr.
Department of Biology
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd
Boston, MA 02125

Lab: 617-287-6642
Fax: 617-287-6650

> From: "Kelly Richers" <kerichers at wasco.k12.ca.us>
> Reply-To: kerichers at wasco.k12.ca.us
> Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 14:58:59 -0800
> To: <stanlep at extremezone.com>, <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>, <woody.woods at umb.edu>
> Subject: Re: 1958 Membership List
> There is a history of the Lep Soc available for the first 25 years.
>>>> Woody Woods <woody.woods at umb.edu> 02/21/03 06:45PM >>>
> Stan, you should move more often! Kicking the attic dust supplies surprise
> echoes not just to you, but to everyone on these lists, dating back to the
> inconvenience of postage stamps -- thanks.
> Would anyone care to contribute further to the history of lep
> organizations-- particularly Lepidopterist's Society? As a relative newcomer
> who appreciates the importance of the many unpublished contributions to this
> field, I hope that some will respond.
>> From: "Stanley A. Gorodenski" <stanlep at extremezone.com>
>> Reply-To: stanlep at extremezone.com
>> Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 18:13:58 -0800
>> To: leps-l at lists.yale.edu
>> Subject: 1958 Membership List
>> Today, in the process of a move, I looked through a folder I had kept
>> for years. It contained old membership lists dating back to when I first
>> joined the Lepidopterist's Society. The oldest one was 1958. It appears
>> back then membership lists were generated every other year because I
>> have gaps corresponding to this. It was interesting to see the 1958
>> profile of some individuals I now know. I also pondered how I became
>> aware of the organization because I was only 15 at the time and was
>> quite the loner. There was no one to direct me. I don't have Klott's
>> Peterson guide to the Eastern Butterflies readily at hand (it is 75
>> miles from my current location), but my guess is that the society was
>> listed in the book. Out of curiosity I counted 581 members in 1958 with
>> 118 of these being listed as charter members. It was really a thrill to
>> see this old document almost a half century old.
>> Stan
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