Lep Soc info
Ernest Williams
ewilliam at hamilton.edu
Tue Feb 25 08:28:30 EST 2003
For Woody and everyone else:
Abbreviated info about the Lep Soc.
For more, go to http://www.lepsoc.org
The Lepidopterists' Society is best known for the networking it
provides members, its publications, and the annual meetings, which
bring together people with a wide range of interests in butterflies
and moths. The periodicals include the colorful NEWS, with
information, reports, research requests, columns, photos, and a
marketplace for trades and sales of specimens, books, etc.; and the
JOURNAL, a scientific publication with articles on taxonomy, ecology,
behavior, and life histories of lepidoptera. Occasionally, large
monographs are published on special topics, too. The annual meetings
are times for learning, talking with people who have similar
interests, and having a good time together. Last year's meeting was
in Charleston, SC, and this coming summer's meeting will be in Olds,
The mission of the Lep. Soc. is "to promote internationally the
science of lepidopterology in all its branches; to further the
scientifically sound and progressive study of Lepidoptera; to publish
periodicals and other publications on Lepidoptera; to facilitate the
exchange of specimens and ideas by both the professional worker and
the amateur in the field; to compile and distribute information to
other organizations and individuals for purposes of education and
conservation and appreciation of Lepidoptera; and to secure
cooperation in all measures tending to that end" (Lep. Soc.
The Lepidopterists' Society was founded by noted lepidopterists
Charles Remington and Harry Clench in 1947 in Cambridge, Mass. As
Clench wrote about it later, "We wanted an organization that would
appeal to both beginner and seasoned veteran, to both amateur and
professional; we wanted it to set high standards by example...; and
we wanted it to be a means for exchanging ideas and information among
lepidopterists of all degrees of experience and expertise." (Lep.
Soc. Commemorative volume, 1977).
The Society grew rapidly and has succeeded so well because of these
features and because, as an organization, it is run by its
membership. All officers are elected by members through an annual
ballot, so the membership guides the direction of the Society. The
Society is run by its officers, including 3 vice presidents from
different countries (currently, Canada, Germany, and USA) and an
Executive Council of 9 members-at-large (3 elected each year for
3-year terms).
Again, look at the website (http://www.lepsoc.org) to see much more.
Ernest Williams
Clinton, NY
Secretary, The Lepidopterists' Society
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