D. or C. or I. henrici

Tony Thomas mothman at nbnet.nb.ca
Tue Jan 14 09:11:49 EST 2003

At 07:45 AM 1/14/03 -0600, Kathryn Kirk wrote:

>Also, in the northern portion on the range: Canada and Northeastern US, 
>what are the larvae using for foodplants?  Anyone know about mutualism 
>with ants for this species?  I need facts.

In southern New Brunswick, Fredericton region, adults are found only at the 
edge of sphagnum bogs where Mountain Holly (Nemopanthus mucronata) grows. A 
local lepidopterist has reared larvae in sleeves on this species. I'm not 
sure if the larvae fed on leaves, buds, or fruits, but as the larvae were 
in sleeves there were probably no ants present.



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