needed: refs on collaterial glands and products

Woody Woods woody.woods at
Sun Jan 26 19:20:04 EST 2003

Chip and all, 

I searched a a couple of years back for information on this and came up dry.
The reason I was looking was curiosity about whether the ribbed or spined
surfaces might contribute to Velcro-like adhesion (as with gekko feet).

Earlier, my interest had been in whether these unusual surface contours
might be driven by the need for extra gas exchange area, but the sheer
variety just begged the question about adhesive qualities, and about how the
variety might be explained by different adhesion requirements for different

I didn't pursue it because of too much experience removing various eggs from
hostplants that seemed, well, just plain glued! But it sounds like new
territory. Please let me know if you hear anything useful offline.

Have you found any good photomicrography of the egg-leaf junction?


> From: Chip Taylor <chip at>
> Reply-To: chip at
> Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2003 16:13:57 -0600
> To: leps-l <leps-l at>
> Subject: needed: refs on collaterial glands and products
> I've conducted a search using Google, and in the texts I have
> available,  but have been unable to find any specific information on
> the composition of the "glue" or adhesive material used by lep
> females to fasten their eggs to substrates. Can anyone direct me to
> some specific references or sources of information on the products of
> collaterial glands?
> Thanks Chip
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