Fw: not dead, but sleeping
Clay Taylor
CTaylor at worldnet.att.net
Wed Jul 9 09:45:08 EDT 2003
Anne et al -
I think that this list has grown relatively inactive for a number of
reasons, most of which you mentioned in your post. However, in addition
the TILS List, there are innumerable "local" butterfly listservs, which
probably carry the majority of the "meat and potatoes" postings - local
field reports, requests for ID help, notices for field trips, etc.
I will not sign up for TILS because, to be perfectly honest, I grew
tired of all the posturing and bickering among the rampant egos on Leps-L,
and TILS certainly can't be any less annoying. It was like panning for
gold nuggets in a river of verbiage. Enough said.
If Leps-L is to live, perhaps we need to re-define its mission
statement, or at least get a consensus opinion as to what we want to see
posted there that 1) can't be found elsewhere, or 2) becomes its "niche" in
the leps-online pantheon.
I'd like to see people posting their Summer Butterfly Count results on
Leps-L, so I'll work up reports from my two Conn. 2003 SBCounts already
completed and post them up by tomorrow. Ideally, NABA should make it
possible to submit the SBCs electronically, instead of messing with count
forms, the Post Office, etc. My 2001 counts disappeared in the USPS after
I (belatedly) mailed them just about the time the anthrax letters messed up
the system. It cost me $10 to have the check cancelled, and I never did
around to re-submitting the data. That was my fault, of course, but the
system needs to come into the 21st century.
Clay Taylor
Moodus, CT
ctaylor at att.net
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Anne Kilmer" <viceroy at GATE.NET>
> To: "Leps List" <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 2:08 AM
> Subject: not dead, but sleeping
> > I received four answers to my query, and none posted to the list. Seems
> > to me that, if we want this list to survive, we need to use it more.
> > Ron's TILS list is fine, and I'm a regular there, but some of you do not
> > post to both lists.
> >
> > At the time that UK-Leps split off, I feared that it would greatly
> > reduce our activity, and indeed it did. That's a very lively list, with
> > much local interest.
> > I like the internationality of Leps list.
> >
> > Once TILS started their list, with a freedom to bicker, talk about God,
> > and pursue minutiae of taxons beyond the sub-species ... it drew off
> > considerable of our heat and fire. What, after all, does leps list offer
> > that TILS Leps-Talk does not also provide?
> >
> > Brightness falls from the air, Queens have died young and fair, dust
> > hath closed Helen's eye ...
> >
> > The people who responded to my query are all subscribed to TILS as well.
> > I have a sentimental fondness for the leps list, but see no reason to
> > keep it on life support if it's no longer needed.
> >
> > I throw this thought out in hopes that all of you will leap to its
> > defence. On list, not in private.
> >
> > Today I will put on plate armor and go chop nettles, in hopes that my
> > arthritis will let up a bit. Nobody has been eating them, and new, fresh
> > nettles must be provided for the second brood.
> > Ow.
> >
> > Anne Kilmer
> > Mayo, Ireland
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > For subscription and related information about LEPS-L visit:
> >
> > http://www.peabody.yale.edu/other/lepsl
> >
> >
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