LEPS-L and cross posting

Mark Walker MWalker at gensym.com
Wed Jul 9 11:13:35 EDT 2003

Michael wrote:

> PS  Since Anne has pointed out lack of traffic on leps-l, I am cross-
> posting this
> (sorry for double-posting)

Well, since I've been strangely silent for many months I will emerge from
diapause at least long enough to say, "I don't think we should have to
apologize for cross posting".

LEPS-L has been a reliable, open, and neutral forum for Lepidoptera and
general insect discussion for many (many) years.  When Ron Gatrelle
successfully created another international discussion group
(TILS-leps-talk), many of the faithful posters and listeners at LEPS-L
gladly joined and participated in that discussion group as well.  Some
decided not to participate in both, and chose to limit their participation
to one or the other (or, in some cases, none).

Ron has pointed out several times that the TILS group activity has surpassed
that of the other discussion groups, and it appears that this has been the
trend.  I think the reason for this is simply that the people that are going
to talk are going to talk, and those that are going to listen will listen -
but this is mostly going to happen where the talking is taking place.

As more and more LEPS-L faithful STOPPED cross posting, the discussion there
waned - resulting in fewer listeners - which results in less frequent

Apparently there are at least three people who continue to "listen" to
LEPS-L (Anne, Michael, and myself - and I know there are many others), which
is ultimately the key to viability.  You don't really need talking - you
need listening.  And then when something of interest pops up, you join in.

The bottom line is:  why not cross post?  Those people who choose to
"listen" to more than one forum get what they ask for.  More messages.

Mark Walker.


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