Global warming

Jorge Bizarro jbizarro at
Wed Jul 9 17:22:01 EDT 2003

Mark and All

The real question is we[a]ther we are having a normal oscilation [a century
of metereological data it's not enough] or the actual trend is man made.

I have some empiric data. Curitiba is the coldest capital in Brazil, it
snowed here in the 70', each winter we have 3-4 frost episodes, but older
people consistently report on the "old cool days" contrasting with the very
mild winters we have now [this year I keep seing leps on the wing and newly
emerged ones regularly].

Some biological data: Mangoes [Mangifera indica] started to bear fruit in
the city two yaers ago, something unthinkable before. In the last couple of
years I've collecte or seen some typical species of the more tropical
coastal forest gladily surfing in Curitiba at the end of summer,
particularly Historis odius [not on the city list] and recently two wild
caught larvae at opposite sites in the city of Siderone galanthis, an
lowland Atlantic forest species, reapearing only in Mato Grosso upwards!

As for the question of politics and lobbies... the end result is always the
same: passing the burden to the next generations [problems time will
solve??]. It's quite selfish and unfair!!

However I do have my doubts that mankind as any power or tool to control
Global Weather ... we're unrealistic on this issue; particularly,
technically developed Societies are prone to a certain pride that finishes
to blind them.

Brrrr...est wishes!!



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