Global Warming
Patrick Foley
patfoley at
Fri Jul 11 23:34:30 EDT 2003
Research scientists at universities usually stand to gain more if they
successfully challenge an accepted truth, than if they just repeat what
others say. Scientists repeat what others say when they (often
reluctantly) are obliged to admit that someone else got there first and
already got the research money. Admittedly, one a scientist has claimed
an idea and a research program, he/she may ride it long after it should
be retired.
But the reasons scientists mostly accept anthropogenic climate change is
1) Human activity has indisputably increased atmospheric CO2 and other
greenhouse gases.
2) The physics of greenhouse gases clearly is on the side of increased
temperatures, at least as 1st order effects. 2nd order and higher
effects are more debatable.
3) The mean Earth temperature appears to be rising at higher than
geologically typical rates.
4) Even if this is not immediately due to human activity, sooner or
later major changes in the atmosphere are sure to have some major
climate effects, and they may be extremely hard to reverse later. A wise
person doesn't screw with their life support in a big way because it
isn't utterly proven that screwing with it is dangerous.
As a scientist, I am fairly convinced that anthropogenic climate change
is occurring. As a scientist and as any kind of sentient being I am
utterly convinced that continuing to pump large amounts of greenhouse
gases into the atmosphere is foolishly dangerous. As a citizen and
father, I feel like an irresponsible failure for letting such stupid
things happen. How about you?
Patrick Foley
patfoley at
Paul Cherubini wrote:
>Rob McNair-Huff wrote:
>>If you could point to a study where those publishing it don't have a
>>political ax to grind then your statements would hold a lot more
>Well, who can be trusted not to have a political ax to grind? The
>global warming controvery centers about the HUMAN contribution
>due allegedly to industry and agriculture. Big money is at stake.
>University scientists, environmental interests and regulatory agencies
>stand to acquire alot of career enhancing money from industry and
>agriculture if they can demonstrate the alledged human contribution
>to global warming is very substantial and seriously threatening.
>Paul Cherubini
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