Counts vs Pollard Transects
Michael Gochfeld
gochfeld at
Wed Jul 16 12:40:08 EDT 2003
As I recall Trinidad (35 years ago), there are tracts through the bush, which
are about a jeeps width---maybe 3 m wide total. These would be effective
transects for low-flying butterflies. Canopy dwellers are a problem.
Yes,I think the transect method worked well at Monks Woods because of the
habitat and the fact that they already had their "rides" layed out.
Mike Gochfeld
Floyd Lucas wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Has anyone ever tried using Pollard transects in rugged terrain? I tried it
> in an area on the north coast of Trinidad (West indies) called Madamas,
> which is fairly wild with frquent steep hills covered by a high canopy
> forest. Besides the rain, steepness, pit vipers and general tiredness from
> hiking all day (I was actually researching birds and bats with some friends
> of mine), the transects gave very little because of the high canopy. Even
> with binoculars, there was just too much I was missing. It got me thinking
> of other areas I have sampled for butterflies, like Blanquizales Swamp (in
> south Trinidad) and again the same problem, this time due to presence of
> water bodies and inaccessible mangrove areas. Anyway, I am just 'trying'
> standard methods of collecting and study, to move past Leps being just an
> interest (and would appreciate some advice!).
> Floyd Lucas
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