four very detailed websites?

Jim Mason Jim at
Fri May 2 09:18:12 EDT 2003

Bruce, Mike, et al.,

I would suggest the collecting info be kept separately in a text file that
could be downloaded for those who are interested.  If there is a virtue to
associating a particular color morph of a given species with a particular
location, then the location could be on the same page as the image, but the
rest of what goes on a typical set of pin tags won't mean beans to most

Jim Mason, Naturalist
Jim at
Great Plains Nature Center
6232 E. 29th Street North
Wichita, KS 67220-2200
316-683-5499 x103 - voice
316-688-9555 - fax

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Walker" <MWalker at>
To: "leps-l" <leps-l at>; "tils-leps-talk"
<tils-leps-talk at>
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 6:45 AM
Subject: RE: [leps-talk] RE: four very detailed websites?

> Mike Quinn wrote:
> > Bruce, I agree that your websites are image and taxonomically rich,
> > however
> > I find them somewhat lacking in details, for instance, very few images
> > have
> > _any_ label data such as collector, date, locality associated with
> ???
> >
> > In my earlier days of online clashes with such as yourself, I probably
> > would
> > have noted the similarity of insect collecting without label data to
> > collecting, but I trust that we are both well beyond such trivial
> > exchanges
> > and would instead much rather set an example for others to follow, no?
> I don't know what this is all about, but let me just say that the value of
> the SE AZ website(s) surpasses most of what I have access to online with
> regards to assisting me in making identifications - so that I can make
> accurate and informative reports as to what I am seeing or collecting.  In
> other words the web site is an incredibly useful tool for field
> lepidopterists that enables them to provide just what Mike is asking for.
> I would of course welcome the addition of any specific collecting data to
> the AZ web site, just as I welcome the submission of collecting data in
> field guides (of course, field guides that pretend that collecting is not
> key part of the science of Lepidoptera intentionally leave out this
> important information).
> Mark Walker.
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