Pieris virginiensis vs. P. napi

paul opler paulevi at webaccess.net
Fri May 2 14:35:33 EDT 2003

Dear Bill,

Pieris napi is a Eurasian species according to recent research. There are 
four North American relative exclusive of P. virginiensis.  Pieris oleracea 
would be the species found in New England.  Pieris virginensis never has a 
forewing black spot in my experience.

Hope this helps!

Paul Opler
>Hi all.
>    I'm a little confused. I'd be interested in some of the current 
> thinking about the taxonomic status of napi vs. virginiensis.  I know 
> some folks don't consider napi a valid North American taxon and I know 
> there have been times when virginiensis and napi may have been considered 
> synonymous but what's the buzz on these taxa as far as New England is 
> concerned from the point of view of you guys that have been around 
> awhile.  What's a "Mustard White" called in Connecticut? Anybody 
> collected West Virginia White in Connecticut(or anywhere) with a black 
> spot on the dorsal forewing or is it always unspotted?
>                                     Thanks,
>                                                   Bill Yule
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