Pieris virginiensis vs. P. napi
Dr. James Adams
jadams at em.daltonstate.edu
Fri May 2 15:32:33 EDT 2003
Paul Opler wrote:
>Pieris napi is a Eurasian species according to recent research. There are
>four North American relative exclusive of P. virginiensis. Pieris
>oleracea would be the species found in New England. Pieris virginensis
>never has a forewing black spot in my experience.
Well, since I currently live in the southern extent of virginiensis
country, I will say that P. virginiensis can be very common in the correct
places, and that there *is* a bit of variability in the species. You can
get hints of black spots in the forewings, and underside veining as
well. The emphasis here, however, should be on the word "hints"!
James K. Adams
Phone: (706)272-4427
FAX: (706)272-2235
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