Monarch Extinction (substantial evidence?)
patrick foley
patfoley at
Mon Nov 17 15:00:26 EST 2003
You seem to Be backing away from the Monarch winter site quality
degradation argument just when some scientific papers are coming under
That is certainly your choice, and the fact that is one person's choice,
no matter how wise, is one reason I am unenthusiastic about heavily
moderated mailing lists.
You see I have, like Paul, some authority issues.
Ron Gatrelle wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Donna Brunet" <dbrunet at>
> Subject: RE: Monarch Extinction (substantial evidence?)
>>I think there might be a simple reason for the photos looking different
> from
>>the maps. A lot of ground that was 80-100% forest cover is now 30-80%
>>forest cover. The maps are a look from overhead straight down, and your
>>photos are a view from the side, which would (especially at a distance),
>>hide any thinning of forest cover.
>>Donna Brunet
>>Columbia, Missouri
>>dbrunet at
> This is true (hypothetically), as are many many many other points brought
> up in this thread by all sides. What should be obvious to any reasonable
> bystander is that neither side has a "lock" on the truth in this debate.
> Simply said, too much is _either_ being stated, or taken, as fact. This
> means several things, not the least of which is that the debate on this
> topic is needed to keep each of the other sides from fact-by-default.
> Freedom of speech (esp. descent) is the greatest weapon for truth and
> liberty available to humanity.
> BUT --- there comes a time when talking becomes the proverbial beating of a
> dead horse. As moderator of the TILS-Leps-Talk list serve I just notified
> all subscribed there that this debate is now off limits at that group till
> further notice (or until spring - when it always begins again). I'd
> therefore very much appreciate it if the folks on this list (which is
> unmoderated in practice) would not CC messages to leps-talk.
> Ron Gatrelle
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