E-mail for Biól. Eligio Garcia Serrano

MexicoDoug at aol.com MexicoDoug at aol.com
Tue Nov 18 01:13:10 EST 2003

Can someone sendf me the e-mail for the Monarch Biologist Eligio García 
Serrano?  Thanks.

Pat, Paul is playing with you.  Eligio is a top notch monarch biologist who 
works (or did work) as Jefe Biologist in the Monarch Nature Preserve, and 
regularly interacts with the national research community (e.g. of the ilk you 
mention) as well as the international (with Brower, Oberhauser, Taylor, etc.).  I 
believe he works for (or worked for) Geographer Roberto Solís, the Director of 
the Preserve who I previously quoted regarding on how they have had success in 
the nucleus areas of the preserves (Paul's photo).  Their scientific jobs are 
related to the protection of the forest from cutting, which they have been 
successful with in some of the the nuclei and buffer zones.  This includes 
watching out for ever present tree cutting opportunists and helping support locals 
as they adapt to the changing dynamics of the Protected Area.  Paul is most 
probably pirating Eligio's photos without giving credit where it is deserved.  
Muy malo, Paul, muy malo, ¡¡ eres incorrijible !! 

Eligio says:

Hello Friends.  I am Eligio Garcia Serrano.  I am a Biologist and I work in 
the Monarch Butterfly Nature Preserve.  I've been working with the Monarchs for 
7 years (this is from 2000), and each year  I monitor all of the colonies.

First, I visit all of the sites where the Monarchs arrive and later I put 
together a calendar of field trips to visit them.  First I measure the dimensions 
of the colony, in the place it is situated.  For example, in what community, 
state, site, date, altitude, wind conditions, cloud cover, exposure, 
inclination, and the number of trees with butterflies.

Then we check out how the forest is doing, and what flora and fauna live in 
the area of the Monarch colony, this is called "Structure and Composition of 
the Forest" where the colony develops.  Then I work on a sketch of the colony 
and lay out three transects to evaluate the mortality of each colony and check 
why the buitterflies have died.  I develop this on a monthly basis I begin to 
see when the butterflies return to the States and Canada.

Friends, I hope you are well and to see you soon.
Greetings from Mexico and the Monarchs, too.
Eligio Garcia Serrano

Best Monarching, Doug Dawn
Monterrey, Mexico

En un mensaje con fecha 11/17/2003 6:24:58 PM Mexico Standard Time, 
patfoley at csus.edu escribe:

> Asunto: Re: Monarch Extinction (substantial evidence?) 
>  Fecha: 11/17/2003 6:24:58 PM Mexico Standard Time
>  De: <A HREF="mailto:patfoley at csus.edu">patfoley at csus.edu</A>
>  Para: <A HREF="mailto:monarch at saber.net">monarch at saber.net</A>
>  CC: <A HREF="mailto:Leps-L at lists.yale.edu">Leps-L at lists.yale.edu</A>
>  Enviado por Internet 
> Paul,
> I would say the same to Eligio as I say to you. Back it up or find 
> someone to back it up. Otherwise you are fighting science with snapshots.
> I must say also that your technique has become increasingly subtle and 
> what would have been called Jesuitical in the bad old days. As a 
> Jesuit-trained critic, I appreciate the cleverness. But I still think 
> you should back up your very strong claims with evidence that can 
> compete with the evidence provided by Brower and his coauthors Guillermo 
> Castilleja, Armando Peralta, Jose Lopez-Garcia, Luis Bojorque-Tapia, 
> Saloman Diaz, Daniela Melarejo and Monica Missrie.
> The point is not that we want the forces of dogmatic science and 
> environmental bureaucracy to overwhelm the poor downtrodden indigenous 
> people of the world.
> The point is that we need to protect habitat in Mexico as elsewhere. 
> Anyone who has done much science or nature in Mexico knows how poorly 
> the wonderful natural heritage is protected there. From poaching to 
> deforestation to corruption to touristic development, Mexico is in 
> trouble. And I am happy to see the Mexican people setting aside reserves 
> and preserves. In the long run, and often in the short run it, will pay 
> the local people to have these wildlife refuges in their neighborhood.
> I would rather not have environmental laws, just as I would rather have 
> fewer laws in general. But there are too many people in the world to 
> ignore our effect on the rest of nature. Populist antienvironmentalism 
> is as false a pose as it is a solution to the world's real problems.
> Patrick
> patfoley at csus.edu
> Paul Cherubini wrote:
> >Pat Foley wrote:
> >
> >
> >>your photographs provide evidence that there is little degradation.
> >>I have not called your view speculation. I have said that you need
> >>to back it up and submit quantitative evidence for peer review.
> >
> >
> >Pat, consider the practical implications of what you are saying.
> >
> >Some of the indigenous Mexicans living in the monarch sanctuary
> >region are aware of the American monarch extinction press releases
> >which claim "in the last 30 years, nearly half the prime forest in the
> >[Mexican overwintering] area has been degraded or destroyed."
> >http://www.sbcnews.sbc.edu/0202/0202nytbrower.html
> >
> >Now consider, hypothetically, if one of these indigenous Mexicans
> >such as Eligio Garcia http://www.saber.net/~monarch/eligio.jpg
> >wanted to go to reporters himself with current and historical
> >aerial and ground photos of the Monarch reserves that show
> >there has been little degradation.  Should Eligio's photos
> >be dismissed by the American/Canadian/UK public and scientific
> >community simply because they have not been been submitted
> >and accepted as sound evidence by a peer reviewed
> >scientific journal?
> >
> >If so, then the indigenous people living in the sanctuary  region
> >would be locked into a defenseless position.
> >
> >Paul Cherubini
> >
> > 
> > ------------------------------------------------------------ 
> >
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> >
> >
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