Monarch Extinction (substantial evidence?)

Paul Cherubini monarch at
Wed Nov 19 18:14:06 EST 2003

Stan wrote:

> You seem to imply that logging is taking place, or should be allowed, in
> the Oyamel forests. Yet, in another message  you said:

> "logging of the forests in the 10,000 - 11,000 foot elevation range (the
> altitude where the monarchs overwinter) is simply not the custom in Mexico."

> Are you proposing logging should be encouraged at the higher elevations
> where the Monarch overwinters?

Stan, when I spoke of "logging in the forests in the 10,000-11,000 foot elevation
range", I meant clear cut logging. Selective logging, on the other hand, does
occur at 10,000 - 11,000 feet zone and has been going on for centuries.

Even though the monarch reserve forests look pristine from a distance,  there is actually no old growth
pine or oyamel fir forest in the monarch reserves. Up close, one can see the
monarch cluster trees are relatively young, narrow diameter, 30-60 year old
oyamel firs: (photo lifted from Journey North website) (typical 50-60 year old selectively
logged tree stump)

Thus for centuries, the monarchs have overwintered successfully in disturbed
forests. Therefore selective logging (moderate thinning) of the oyamel firs
is compatible with monarch overwintering.  The point Jurgen Hoth was making
is that if humans stop moderate logging or burning the oyamel firs
the forest will lose it's vitality, become infested with bugs and go into decline.

So in Jurgen's view (and mine) the policy of creating monarch sanctuaries
where the indigenous people are prohibited from moderate selective logging,
is not a  very good one for the forests, the monarchs or the humans who live there.

Paul Cherubini


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