Miami Blues ...

Anne Kilmer viceroy at
Fri Nov 21 15:27:01 EST 2003

Here is a report on the Miami Blue program that came to me via the NABA
channel ... I share it with some sadness, as I had hoped that, instead
of getting the butterfly listed, we would re-establish it in its old
stamping grounds.
Anne Kilmer

Dear Miami Blue aficionados,

This is a brief report on the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission meeting at Hawk's Cay Resort on Duck Key, Florida,  November
19, 2003. There is good news...The Miami Blue butterfly was on the
commission's agenda today and in a unanimous vote, received a permanent
endangered status, an up-grade from its former emergency endangered
status. The Management Plan for the Miami Blue butterfly passed
unanimously as well.

Jaret Daniels, PhD and Akers Pence, both from the University of Florida,
supplied an articulate blend of science and logic that helped carry the
day. On this important day, perhaps the most important one in the
existence of this diminutive butterfly, Dennis Olle spoke for the Miami
Blue chapter of the North American Butterfly Association and emphasized
this "namesake" butterfly's rareness and how its loss would be more than
just a loss to science. In his presentation Dennis gave plugs to the
Miami Blue chapter and  NABA. One speaker however (name unknown), in
reference to spraying for mosquitoes, saw the issue as man vs. butterfly.

Clean lenses and quick focusing,
David Lysinger


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