Day flying moths article

Dr. James Adams jadams at
Wed Nov 26 14:16:28 EST 2003


         I have been asked to write an article on day-flying moths for the 
publication "American Butterflies".  This is, at least in my opinion, a 
nice opportunity to open the eyes of the "Butterflier" to the world of 
moths.  I know that some of you may have strong opinions about the people 
associated with producing this magazine, but I ask those of you for whom 
these feelings may be negative to put those feelings aside and realize the 
opportunity that is available for education of the butterflying community.

         I have a number of slides/digital images of *live* day-flying 
moths, but also have some significant gaps.  As such, I am asking for you 
help in accumulating some images for the article.  For that matter, I am at 
least toying with the idea of a popular book on moths, and so *even if I 
don't use specific images for the article*, I still may use them at some 
future date.  All images will be fully acknowledged, of course; all images 
must be of live individuals as well.  If at all possible, I'd like high 
resolution digital images.  You can send them to me through e-mail if you 
would like, but CD's would probably be preferable.  Hold off on sending 
slide images until I see what I have to work with.  I can probably use very 
high resolution scans of slide images as well for that matter.

         Images should be of species from the U.S./Canada.  I certainly 
would appreciate images from tropical America that make it into the U.S., 
however.  For example, a really nice picture of Urania fulgens from Mexico 
or Central America would be appreciated, as this species is quite 
spectacular but the pictures of the few that have made it to Texas 
typically show very worn specimens!!

What follows is the list of species for which I would like to obtain 
images; again, remember that I will *not* use all images received.  Also 
understand if you have images of unidentified things, I'll be happy to look 
at them and might use them as well.

Micropterigids -- though small, these moths with mandibles are quite 
spectacular looking; the U.S. species I believe are mostly Californian
Adelids -- very small, but often metallic in coloration; the extremely long 
antennae are what make these moths stand out
Choreutids -- Sun Moths; also very small, but the striking coloration of 
many species rivals anything you'll see in bigger moths
Sesiids -- wasp moths; need a few pictures of these in action (nectaring)
Thyridids -- I have some shots of these day-flying pyralid relatives, but 
would like better.
Pyralids -- again, I have a few shots but wouldn't mind a few more of the 
day-flying species
         Specifics:  I'd very much appreciate a picture of Anania funebris 
or other *colorful* day-fliers
Geometrids --
         Specifics:  I am looking for live pictures of any of the following
                 Archiearis infans
                 Leucobrephos brephoides
                 Plataea spp.
                 Melanochroia (may have good enough ones already)
                 Mellila xanthometata
                 Trichodezia albovittata
Noctuids --
                 Agaristines -- Psychomorpha; if *anyone* has a live picture
                         of Eupseudomorpha brillians, I'd be forever in 
your debt
                 Schinia -- again, I've got some but could use better
                 Day-flying high elevation western plusiines
Sphingids --
                 Amphion floridensis
                 Proserpinus spp. (including "Arctonotus" lucidus)
                 Euproserpinus spp.
Saturniids --
                 Any of the day-flying Buck Moths
                 Callosamia securifera
                 Any of the day flying Anisota

As for the arctiids, I think I have enough.

         Again, any help is appreciated.  Also, please do *not* send images 
of night-flying moths at this time.



James K. Adams
Phone: (706)272-4427
FAX:  (706)272-2235
Visit the Georgia Lepidoptera Website:
Also check out the Southern Lepidopterists' Society new Website:
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