NABA elections

Anne Kilmer viceroy at
Wed Nov 26 13:06:16 EST 2003

I have scanned my ballot and posted it on the TILS site,

where all leps-talk members may at will peruse it. (Join; it's free, 
it's fun)

I don't think a printout of this would serve as a legal ballot, so if 
you're a NABA member, find the ballot they sent you. If you're not, and 
plan to join in order to vote, you could try a copy of this, along with 
an explanatory note on the extra sheet of paper where you have written 
your choice of officers, board members and the like.

Creativity would not help, here. Unless NABA members unhappy with JG's 
performance have someone specific that they would prefer to have as 
president, or other board member, this would serve simply as a vote of 
no-confidence, and so what.
Bob Pyle has been nominated and seconded, but not yet consulted. ;-)
NABA members who fancy JG may wish to launch a campaign of support. I 
suggest parades, festivals, balloons and banners. You have a week to do 

enjoy your holidays

Anne Kilmer
South Florida


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