Brower replies- The most recent ranting about monarch butterfly conservation

Charles Bordelon legitintellexit at
Thu Oct 9 18:36:40 EDT 2003

That's exactly the reply I was praying to hear...  Where's my shotgun, ma?
I'm gonna go shoot me some Monarchs...  Get a life, people.  cb
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stanley A. Gorodenski" <stan_gorodenski at>
Cc: <leps-l at>
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 5:25 PM
Subject: Re: Brower replies- The most recent ranting about monarch butterfly

> You forgot the passenger pigeon.
> Charles Bordelon wrote:
> >Are we to assume Monarchs are too stupid to find other sites?  All this
> >and number-crunching is dung in the real world. What did house sparrows
> >before there were houses?  Barn swallows before barns?  Ratings, ratings,
> >rantings...  So what?  You can't tell me such a successful insect
> >adapt.  We'll destroy ourselves before every resource is depleted.  Go to
> >the Mexican Government.  This whole Monarch business is not only moot,
> >completely boring.  cb
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: <neil at>
> >To: <tils-leps-talk at>
> >Cc: <leps-l at>; <brower at>
> >Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 1:49 PM
> >Subject: Brower replies- The most recent ranting about monarch butterfly
> >conservation
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>Professor Brower asked me to pass on this message to these lists.
> >>
> >>Neil Jones
> >>
> >>From: Lincoln P. Brower brower at
> >>Subject: The most recent ranting about monarch butterfly conservation
> >>by Mr. Cherubini.
> >>
> >>
> >>To whom it may concern:
> >>
> >>To those who may seriously consider taking Mr. Paul Cherubini's
> >>October 2003 criticisms of L. P. Brower's recent (4 October 2003)
> >>lecture to the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History in California,
> >>I suggest perusing the following three scientific papers:
> >>
> >>1) Brower, L.P., Kust, D.R., Rendon-Salinas, E., Serrano, E.G.,
> >>Kust, K.R., Miller, J., Fernandez del Rey, C., &amp; Pape, K. (In
> >>press  2003). Catastrophic winter storm mortality of monarch
> >>butterflies in Mexico during January 2002. In: The Monarch Butterfly:
> >>Biology and Conservation (Editors. K.M. Oberhauser  M.
> >>Solensky). Cornell University Press, Ithaca.
> >>
> >>2) Brower, L.P., Castilleja, G., Peralta, A., Lopez-Garcia, J.,
> >>Bojorquez-Tapia, L., Diaz, S., Melgarejo, D.,  Missrie, M.
> >>(2002). Quantitative changes in forest quality in a principal
> >>overwintering area of the monarch butterfly in Mexico: 1971 to
> >>1999. Conservation Biology, 16, 346-359.
> >>
> >>3) Bojorquez, L.A., Brower, L.P., Castilleja, G.,
> >>Sánchez-Colón, S., Hernández, M., Calvert, W.H., Díaz, S.,
> >>Gómez-Priego, P., Alcantar, G., Melgarejo, E.D., Solares, M.J.,
> >>Gutiérrez, L., Juárez, M.d.L. (2003). Mapping expert
> >>knowledge: redesigning the monarch butterfly biosphere reserve.
> >>Conservation Biology, 17, 367 - 379.
> >>
> >>The first paper (still in press) documents the winter storm mortality
> >>of overwintering monarch butterflies in Mexico that occurred in
> >>January 2002. One quarter of a billion monarchs were estimated
> >>to have been killed in two of several known colonies, all of which
> >>were impacted by a powerful and widespread storm and cold
> >>front. The second publication documents that the monarchs'
> >>overwintering forest within the 1986 presidentially decreed reserve
> >>has been degraded by 44% as well as heavily fragmented over a 28 year
> >>period, through January 1999. The third publication describes the
> >>process and rationale by which the new 2000 presidential decree
> >>increased the supposedly protected overwintering area from 62 to 217
> >>square miles. Research in progress with colleagues from the
> >>University of Mexico, NASA, Lynchburg College and Sweet Briar College
> >>indicates that extensive illegal logging is currently occurring
> >>within the supposedly protected areas. When these data are published,
> >>they will be available for public scrutiny.
> >>
> >>The exact number of years it will take for the current and increasing
> >>logging to irreversibly disrupt the migration of the monarch's
> >>eastern population is always an unknown. What we do know is
> >>that the forests within the tiny area of Mexico in which hundreds of
> >>millions of monarchs overwinter is being rapidly degraded.
> >>Denial of this is yet another example of the ostrich-like behavior of
> >>the more extreme members of the anti-conservation movement who choose
> >>to obfuscate hard scientific evidence in order to advance their
> >>political positions.
> >>
> >>Lincoln P. Brower
> >>Research Professor of Biology
> >>Sweet Briar College
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
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