Humming bird moth

Paul Breslin pbreslin at
Mon Sep 8 00:22:36 EDT 2003

Excellent pictures and I am certain someone could prove this insect could
never fly - like the bumble bee.

"Juergen Peters" <kill.spam at> wrote in message
news:MPG.19b57d3625f39b9098979f at
> In Message <G2cZwXAe$GS$MwHN at>  dswindell.gerbil at
> > I have just seen this wonderful beast for the first time in my life.
> > This was on cultivated geraniums, in a suburban back garden on the very
> > western edge of a small town in north west Hampshire (England).  The
> > soil is chalky, and the agriculture close to the town is arable.  Seen
> > 19:30 23rd August 2003.
> >
> > How recent/common/widespread is it in Europe?
> If you mean the species _Macroglossum stellaratum_: It widespread like
> never before here in Germany this year (like almost all migrating
> butterflies and moths), perhaps a consequence of the long heat period
> and dryness in the mediterranean area which drove the animals north.
> I had last seen one more than 20 years ago, but this year I see many
> of them and was able to take some photographs here at the geranium
> in our garden and on thistles near a creek:
> (Sorry, text in German only.)
> -- 
> Best regards, Juergen Peters
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>      Juergen Peters, FidoNet 2:2432/344
>         Borgholzhausen, Germany
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


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