butterfly question

Paul Breslin pbreslin at bellsouth.net
Mon Sep 8 00:18:36 EDT 2003

"blackace" <mtw2891 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:97e4a4a1.0309031905.11eda57 at posting.google.com...
> I was wondering if it is possible to catch a butterfly, and then train
> it to stick with you whenever you go places...train it not to fly off.
> And what is the best way to catch a butterfly.

Some are attracted to sugared beer.  Place a rag on your shoulder and pour
some sugared beer on the rag.  In a few minutes some butterflies may appear.

It is considered good luck by some if a butterfly lands on you.

I have a butterfly garden.  In the garden I have five 'butterfly bushes'.
The butterflies come there and I can walk right up to them and they continue
to feed.  I can pick them off and let them go and the go back to where they
were feeding.  They don't seem frightened of me or people I have over to the
house.  Maybe they know they won't be harmed.



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