butterflies of Beijing

Roger C. KENDRICK hkmoths at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Sep 8 23:59:15 EDT 2003

Hi Michael,

Chou, I. (1994) Monographia Rhopalocerorum Sinensium, Henan Scientific
and Technological Publishing House. (2 volumes) ISBN 7-5349-1574-0.
second edition published in 2000. costs a fair whack (overseas price in
the region of US$400, though around US$100 if bought in China).
Comprehensive list of species, though poor coverage of southern China
(notably almost no records for Hong Kong).

hope this helps.


 --- Michael Gochfeld <gochfeld at EOHSI.RUTGERS.EDU> wrote: > Can anyone
provide information on the existence or availability of
> lists, books
> (or lepidopterists) in the Beijing, China area.
> There is a fine book on Butterflies of Hong Kong, and a small volume
> on Yunnan.
> I don't find a Beijing contact in the Lep Soc.
> Mike Gochfeld

Roger C. KENDRICK  Ph.D.
Senior Conservation Officer, Fauna Conservation, 
Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden, Hong Kong
moths at kfbg.org, hkmoths at yahoo.co.uk

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