Deaths head sphinx in North America?
Dr. James Adams
jadams at
Mon Sep 22 18:30:02 EDT 2003
I'd have to *see* the specimens, in the wild, to believe it,
although there are probably *a few* people I'd accept such a report
from. John, is there anything you can tell us about the reliability of
your contact? One specimen seems unreal, two seems ludicrous. I suppose
someone could have reared and *released* them, though how likely is it that
someone who cares would find *two*? Alternatively, is there a butterfly
house in the area?
My guess, however, would be that the specimens are likely just one
of the large eastern Manduca or Agrius cingulatus.
James K. Adams
Phone: (706)272-4427
FAX: (706)272-2235
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