Yosemite book

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Wed Dec 29 17:03:03 EST 2004

The text issue of  "The Yosemite Butterflies" by Ken Davenport should be in
the hands of all TTR (The Taxonomic Report) VOL 5 subscribers by Sat. Jan. 7
as the plan is for them to all be mailed out no later than Monday Jan. 3.

The text section is 75 pages long with about half of it in 10.5 pt. and the
rest in 9 pt.  In other words, it is jammed packed with information on the
butterflies and skippers of the Yosemite Region.   We are about half way to
getting the second issue ready to go. This will be 20 to 30 color plates.
The plan is for these to all be X1, but there is a possibility that the
larger species will be somewhat reduced.   The subscription also includes
both issues on a CD, and thus the plates can be zoomed - so we are not that
concerned about "small" pictures on the plates.

After this Volume is finished, it is certain that one will not be able to
get this in paper either 1) at all or 2) until at least 75 to 100 special
orders come in to justify another print run.   After that, the book will
only be available in CD - of course, one could print it out off of that.
The CD alone will be the same price as all our other TTR Volumes on CD -
$25.   Our first print run is tight with only 25 "extra" copies so anyone
wanting it on paper needs to order asap. for first come first serve.   Our
print runs are so tight to actual orders due to the very expensive cost of
the color plate issue.  ---- unless someone wants to send a donation of
about $5000 to expand the first printing (and mailing).

To order on-line

Ron Gatrelle


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