Lepidoptera Field research assistantship; Vancouver Island, British Columbia

Kathy Wildman kattwild at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 13 23:26:44 EST 2004

Found the following on an ecology list serve and thought i'd share it.


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From: Jessica Hellmann <hellmann.3 at ND.EDU>
Reply-To: Jessica Hellmann <hellmann.3 at ND.EDU>
Subject: [ECOLOG-L] Field research assistantship; Vancouver Island,          
     British Columbia
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 08:32:45 -0500

Field workers are sought for spring, 2004 to participate in research aimed
to understand the impacts of climate change on the distribution of
biodiversity. Studies specifically concern the butterflies and grasslands of
Vancouver Island, BC. Activities include surveys for butterflies and plants,
capturing and sampling adult butterflies in flight, and rearing of
caterpillars. We seek someone with enthusiasm, patience, and willingness to
work hard in the name of science and conservation. Candidates should be able
to live and work in groups and spend time alone in the field each day.
Period of work is April 15 to June 30 with possible extension to July 31.
Housing is provided, and workers will be paid a modest monthly stipend. To
apply for this position, send an email to hellmann.3 at nd.edu containing a
resume, the names and contact information of two references, and one or two
paragraphs explaining your interests, goals, and reason for wanting to
participate in field studies.  For more information visit:

Jessica J. Hellmann
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Biol. Sciences
University of Notre Dame
(574) 631-7521
hellmann.3 at nd.edu

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