Fwd: Interdiction of illegal loggers

Neil Jones Neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk
Thu Jun 17 12:57:52 EDT 2004

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Subject: Interdiction of illegal loggers
Date: Thursday 17 June 2004 16:32
From: Chip Taylor <chip at ku.edu>
To: dplex-l at listproc.cc.ku.edu

Carol Cullar kindly provided the following
translation of an article that appeared in Cambio
Michoacan on Friday, 11 June 2004.

The loggers described in this article were
entering Chincua from the backside rather than
near the public entrance to the reserve used by
the loggers referred to in earlier coverage of
the deforestation occurring near the colony sites
at Chincua.


by Leonardo Vazquez

El Centro de Inteligencia y Seguridad Nacional
(Cisen), apoyado por personal de la Agencia
Federal de Investigaciones y del Grupo de
Operaciones Especiales, aseguraron 25 metros
cúbicos de madera y detuvieron a dos presuntos
taladores clandestinos, durante un operativo
sorpresa realizado la madrugada de ayer.

The Center of Intelligence and National Security
(CISEN), supported by personnel of the Federal
Investigations Agency and Special Operations
Group, secured 25 cubic meters of wood and
arrested two presumed clandestine illegal
loggers, during a surprise operation carried out
early yesterday morning.

Alrededor de las 02:00 horas de ayer, un grupo de
agentes policiacos, apoyado también por un agente
del Ministerio Público de la Federación y el
delegado de la Profepa, Francisco Luna Contreras,
iniciaron la concentración en el municipio de
Irimbo, en el oriente del estado, para de ahí
partir hasta el municipio de Aporo, en donde se
montó el puesto de vigilancia.

Around 2:00 a. m. yesterday, a group of police
agents, also assisted by an agent of the Public
Department of the Confederacy, and a delegate of
PROFEPA, Francisco Luna Contreras, initiated the
focus in the Irimbo municipality, in the east of
the State, from there to the municipality of
Aporo, where the vigilance position was mounted.

Ésta fue la primera ocasión en que se hace un
operativo contra talamontes a esa hora de la
madrugada, ya que luego de estudiar la manera de
operar de los taladores se evidenció que son los
momentos más usados para derribar y trasladar la
madera ilegal hasta los aserraderos ubicados en
la misma región.

This was the first occasion in which an operation
was made against illegal loggers at that hour of
the early morning, since after studying the
method of operation of the illegal loggers it was
shown that those are the moments most used to
knock down and to transfer the illegal lumber to
the sawmills located in the same region.

Y los resultados fueron positivos, pues alrededor
de las 4:00 de la mañana se detectaron dos
camiones cargados con madera en rollo de pino y
oyamel, provenientes de la zona protegida de la
mariposa monarca, que horas antes habían sido

And the results were positive, therefore around
4:00 in the morning, two trucks loaded with pine
and oyamel logs were detected, originating from
the monarch butterfly protected zone, that hours
before had been knocked down.

En esta ocasión el operativo estuvo coordinado
por Ignacio Chávez, subdelegado del Cisen,
institución que desde hace meses realiza
inspecciones y ha recabado información sobre el
problema de la tala clandestina, considerado ya
un tema de seguridad nacional.

On this occasion the operation was coordinated by
Ignacio Chávez, deputy delegate of the CISEN, an
institution that since months ago carried out
inspections and has managed to get information on
the problem of the clandestine logging, already
considered a topic of national security.

La madera ilegal era transportada en camión de
placas NF 10705 que llevaba en la plataforma
quince metros cúbicos de madera en rollo y en
otro sin placas, pero con engomado 091 CJ9 del
Servicio Público Federal, que llevaba diez metros
cúbicos de madera de las mismas especies.

The illegal lumber was transported on a truck
with plates [number] NF 10705 that carried on its
trailer bed fifteen cubic meters of logs and on
another without plates, but with Federal Public
Utility sticker [number] 091 CJ9, that carried
ten cubic meters of lumber of the same species.

Los conductores de los camiones eran Elio Sánchez
y Abel Arrieta Sánchez, que fueron detenidos por
los elementos policiales y puestos a disposición
del Ministerio Público de la Federación por
delitos contra el medio ambiente.

The drivers of the trucks were Elio Sánchez and
Abel Arrieta Sánchez  who were detained by the
police units and remanded to [placed in the
custody of] the Public Department of the
Confederacy for crimes against the environment.

Ante el temor de que cómplices de los talamontes
intentaran recuperar la carga y liberar a los
detenidos, un contingente armado del Grupo de
Operaciones Especiales escoltó hasta las
instalaciones de la PGR en Morelia los dos
camiones, en donde también quedaron a resguardo
los conductores de las unidades.

Before the fear that accomplices of the illegal
loggers would try to recover the load and free
the detained, an armed contingent of the Special
Operations Group escorted the two trucks to the
installations of the PGR in Morelia, where they
also remained to guard the drivers of the units.

Otra parte del contingente continuó con el
dispositivo de vigilancia y patrullaje en Aporo,
hasta poco después de las 6:00 de la mañana en
que se levantó el retén, pero se informó que ese
tipo de acciones continuarán a las horas más
apropiadas para detener en flagrancia a taladores
y traficantes de la madera ilegal.

             Another part of the contingent
continued with the vigilance site and patrol in
Aporo, until a little after             6:00 in
the morning at which [time] they woke up the
relief squad [troops], but it was reported that
that type of maneuvers will continue at the most
appropriate hours to catch red-handed the illegal
loggers and dealers in illegal lumber.
__________________________end_________translated by Carol Cullar

Monarch Watch
monarch at ku.edu
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University of Kansas, Entomology Program, 1200
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Neil Jones- Neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk http://www.butterflyguy.com/
"At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
National Nature Reserve.


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