Fwd: Interdiction of illegal loggers

MexicoDoug at aol.com MexicoDoug at aol.com
Thu Jun 17 15:09:41 EDT 2004

En un mensaje con fecha 06/17/2004 12:55:59 PM Mexico Daylight Time, 
Neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk escribe:

> Otra parte del contingente continuó con el
> dispositivo de vigilancia y patrullaje en Aporo,
> hasta poco después de las 6:00 de la mañana en
> que se levantó el retén,
>        Another part of the contingent
> continued with the vigilance site and patrol in
> Aporo, until a little after        6:00 in
> the morning at which [time] they woke up the
> relief squad [troops], 

Hi Neil, pretty sick that this problem is so overwhelming.  Those of us who 
see this in our backyard know stopping the illegal logging by choosing to go 
after a few expendible little guys it is like bailing with a Dixie Cup in a boat 
made with Elmer's glue.

I would comment that "Another part of the contingent continued with the 
vigilance site and patrol in Aporo, until a little after 6:00 in the morning at 
which [time] they woke up the relief squad [troops]"
Is more like: Another part the group continued guard duty and patrol in 
Aporo, until just after 6:00 AM when the operation was lifted"

That means there are no "relief squads" and such and everyone went home to 
bed, happy that the point was made that the authorities just "discovered" that 
this happens at night, duh, and also the first time they proved they could 
actually work at night on a drop in the bucket ...errr... Titanic.  Oh well, that 
has the typical sound of progress here, so that's good....

also,  We're not a Confederacy nor have any Public Department of the 
Confederacy in Mexico:)  It is more like the Federal Marshall ...

Saludos, Doug
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