Imagelist is back online
John Snyder
john.snyder at
Mon May 31 15:41:51 EDT 2004
After a long hiatus (caused by technical problems = computer glitches), my
website called Imagelist is once again available for use.
Here is a reminder of what Imagelist does: it was assembled to facilitate
finding photographs of the North American moth species. It is made
necessary by the fact that no single resource is available to show all of
the identified species. It draws upon those rather few books and
electronic resources that are (1) somewhat comprehensive and (2) available
by purchase, or by using a good library, or by going to the World Wide
Web. These resources provide access to a total of over half of the nearly
11,000 identified North American species.
In other words, if you want to see a picture of a species, but don't know
where to reach on your bookshelf or what web site to visit, use Imagelist.
Over the next several days I will be updating this resource, adding
several hundred "new" data points that have accumulated during the past 6
months. But it is still well worth using even before this update is
completed. Give it a try.
John Snyder
Dept. of Biology
Furman University
Greenville, SC USA
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