Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Sat Oct 2 20:05:55 EDT 2004

The TILS team has been talking about making various changes on our web site
and are slowly trying to fit these adjustments in.  One adjustment is with
our NEWS.  This has always been posted in its entirety when published and
made available thereby to non-members/subscribers.  Costs of printing and
other factors have worked to pretty much stop the NEWS from being published.
One alternative was to not publish it in paper at all and just have the
electronic version.

Well, I finally decided to... just do it.  A new issue (October 2004) should
be up this weekend depending on when our web master gets to it.  It has two
articles in it and lots of photos.  The article on Mitchell's Satyr in
Alabama was sent in about a year and a half ago!!!  It's been waiting the
longest so out it goes.  The other is some info on Phyciodes incognitus.

Hopefully, we'll be able to start cranking these out on a regular basis.
One nice thing about on line publishing is that color photos are a zero cost
factor - so the more the better.   If anyone has something they'd like
published in this format go ahead and get with me and let me know and we'll
see about publishing it.  If anyone might want to volunteer as the NEWS
editor and do these things get with me on that also.  One would need to have
some skills with digital photo programs  -- and lots of time.  Also the full
Adobe Acrobat software.

Ron Gatrelle
TILS president
Charleston, SC - USA
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