BioQuip curved forceps

Stanley A. Gorodenski stan_gorodenski at
Fri Sep 3 00:29:49 EDT 2004

After about 30-35 years I carelessly lost my old BioQuip curved tip 
forceps in the field. A few years ago I had ordered a pair from them as 
a spare and discovered that although their catalogue drawing (forcep 
4735 on page 30) appears to be like the one I lost, the curved tip of 
the one I received from them is smaller, the forceps are built lighter 
and appear to be slightly smaller, and are weaker. I really liked my old 
pair. It could do a lot. Does anyone know where I might be able to buy 
one like the one I had? I looked on the internet at various biological 
supply houses without success. Probably only someone as old or almost as 
old as I am would know the difference, and probably no one is making 
that particular one any more. I realize this is a very inexpensive item 
to be making such a fuss.


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