Woody Woods
woody.woods at umb.edu
Sat Sep 4 19:55:17 EDT 2004
100 mph during rush hour sounds great to us Bostonians. As it is,
butterflies can alight on the hood of my idling car, warm up, take off and
be none the worse for it. Rush hour is when everything stands still around
here-- traffic is Boston's contribution to conservation!
> From: "Stanley A. Gorodenski" <stan_gorodenski at asualumni.org>
> Reply-To: stan_gorodenski at asualumni.org
> Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2004 12:54:27 -0800
> To: LEPS-L at lists.yale.edu
> Subject: Re: SPLATOMETER
> From a bug's point of view it might get flattened more, but you are
> right, dead is dead at 50 mph or 75 mph. However, a large number of cars
> during rush hour traveling at speeds of 75 mph, 100 mph, or 120 mph
> could (something that would need further study) set up a turbulence
> zone that might prevent most bugs from flying into the path of an
> oncoming car (other than the first one) with a Splatometer mounted on
> the license plate. I could imagine this turbulence zone increasing in
> strength as speeds increase. Speaking of the Splatometer, it wasn't made
> clear in the initial post if it covered the entire area of the license
> plate. Since it said it was 'square' then I assume it did not. This
> could affect Alex's calculations. :-)
> Stan
> Alan Wormington wrote:
>> However, from a bug's point-of-view is there any difference between
>> getting hit by a car doing 50 m.p.h. versus one doing 75 m.p.h.?
>> Alan Wormington,
>> Leamington, Ontario
>> ***********************************
>> On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 13:15:25 -0400 "Grkovich, Alex" <agrkovich at tmpeng.com>
>> writes:
>>> They also drive a LOT faster, Stan, as you probably know...
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Stanley A. Gorodenski
>>> [SMTP:stan_gorodenski at asualumni.org]
>>>> Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 1:31 PM
>>>> To: LEPS-L at lists.yale.edu
>>>> Subject: Re: SPLATOMETER
>>>> It seems like there are a number of factors that could affect
>>>> comparisons of Splatometer counts with the US - Driving speed of
>>>> Europeans, general airflow dynamics of European vehicles compared
>>> to
>>>> those in the US, time of the day of peak driving, elevational
>>> placement
>>>> of the license plate, plate size as you mentioned, and etc. :-)
>>>> Stan
>>>> Grkovich, Alex wrote:
>>>>> And of course, since the license plates are longer in Europe than
>>> in
>>>> North
>>>>> America, the "problem" would be aggravated there...Here (in
>>> N.A.), we
>>>> might
>>>>> expect one bug for every 7.5 miles or so...to be
>>> splattered...Still a
>>>>> humongous amount of splattered bugs......
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Bailey and Bjorklund [SMTP:cmbb at sasktel.net]
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 10:21 AM
>>>>>> To: LEPS-L at lists.yale.edu
>>>>>> Subject: SPLATOMETER
>>>>>> A recent study with the participation of 40,000 motorists in
>>> Britain
>>>> found
>>>>>> that on average one bug for five miles was splatting on a square
>>> grid
>>>>>> attached to their front license plate. Since this the first
>>> year of the
>>>>>> study it is only tentatively being assumed that bug populations
>>> are down
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> Great Britain.
>>>>>> Martin Bailey.
>>>>>> Greetings from:
>>>>>> Weyburn, SK.
>>>>>> 49.39 N 103.51W
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