Case-building Lepidoterans?

OscartheGrouch tondaleo at
Mon Apr 25 13:42:40 EDT 2005

<karl.wilding at> wrote in message 
news:1114197638.054955.75520 at
> Could someone help me out with the identity of a 'pest' that has been
> nibbling holes in the leaves of strawberry plants in my garden. I've
> got a freshwater entomology background so was a little surprised by
> this creature.
> Initially I thought an old grass seed-case was on the leaf, but closer
> inspection revealed the 'seed' was actually a caddis-like case made of
> small pieces of plant remains.
> The case is less than a centimetre long, and only a couple of mm wide.
> I live in Woking, Surrey, UK (in case taht's of any use). Did it crawl
> up the pot and onto the leaf, or hatch from an egg on the leaf and set
> about making a case out of pieces of the strawberry leaf?
> Thanks for any help!

Coleophorids build cases as larvae. Check for pics of cases here: 


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