Monarchs and Monoculture in southern Michigan
Grkovich, Alex
agrkovich at
Fri Aug 19 14:06:49 EDT 2005
They're still flying everywhere...I saw them at Pinkham Notch, NH (base of Mt. Washington) last weekend...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-leps-l at [SMTP:owner-leps-l at] On Behalf Of Paul Cherubini
> Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 1:15 PM
> To: LEPS-L at
> Subject: Re: Monarchs and Monoculture in southern Michigan
> Roger Kuhlman wrote:
> > I would bet modern, high-tech agricultural
> > practices have been greatly limiting the amount of Common milkweed growing
> > in our area. 30 to 50 years ago there was probably much more milkweed here
> > and many more Monarchs.
> My point is that even in spite of modern agricultural practices,
> Monarchs remain spectacularly abundant in precisely the areas
> with the most intensive plantings of Bt corn and Roundup Ready
> soybeans; areas such as southern Minnesota and northern Iowa:
> And the monarch overwintering populations in Mexico have shown
> no pattern of decline the past 28 years despite the changes in
> agricultural practices:
> Unfortunately, the news media isn't being told that Monarchs and
> Painted Ladies are still spectacularly abundant in the areas
> with the most intensive plantings of genetically modified crops.
> Instead, here's what reporters are reading on the internet:
> "Widespread adoption of herbicide-resistant corn and soybeans
> in the last 5 years has resulted in the loss of at least 80 million
> acres of monarch habitat...without a major effort to restore
> milkweeds to as many locations as possible, the monarch
> population is certain to decline to extremely low levels."
> Paul Cherubini
> El Dorado, Calif.
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