I thought this list was about leps!

Sean Mullen spm23 at cornell.edu
Sun Aug 28 07:56:55 EDT 2005


I'm not going to include snippets from the latest rounds of bruised  
ego postings that seems to plaque this list but I do have one point  
to make.

I'm interested in leps, butterflies predominantly in my case.  I am  
not interested in deleted 35 emails a day about who said what to whom  
and why it did or did not mean what he/she/they thought it meant.

I've been a member of this listserv for about 4 years.  I rarely post  
because there isn't often anything of true interest being discussed.

Let's get back to business.  Monarchs are fascinating but they're  
also clearly the charismatic microfauna of the lep-world, akin to  
pandas and right whales...lot's of strong opinions but a lot fewer  
real data.

Good luck with your never-ending vitriolic attacks.  I'm going to  
take my 14-month old out for a hike today.  Maybe we'll actually see  
some interesting insects.



Sean P. Mullen, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dept. of Biology
University of Maryland, College Park
College Park, MD 20742


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