Lep News Schappert Editorial

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Wed Jul 13 16:11:22 EDT 2005

> Stan, can you explain or speculate why both Glassberg and Schappert
> are trying to create a social stigma against anyone who collects
> and kills butterflies without a valid scientific reason.?
> Paul Cherubini
The term "VALID" being defined solely by their own excessivley narrow
definition.  In case anyone, has not thought of how words work.  The phrase
" there is still a need for VALID scientific collecting" means that there
is even scientific collecting that is NOT valid.   He is an editor and
supposed to be a word master.  He did not say, " there is  still a need for
scientific collecting".   James is a nice fella, but his reasoning of
looking for "meaning" behind Schapperts clear statements, is just wishful
thinking - denial of reality.  Phil was quite clear.

To the deaf I say, there are lot's of collectors who are upset with the
editorial, I am sure there are watchers who also don't like being painted
as shallow (worthless) list checkers. I was getting email complaints on
this several days before I ever got my issue.  Otherwise, I likely would
not have even read it - I read very little of the News.  It's not my thing.
IT DOESN'T MATTER, how you who are unoffended by this piece feel - it
doesn't effect you.  It matters that a fair % of others exist who ARE and
that for those (overly sensitive of us) who are offended - there will be
consequences to Lep Soc. if we are just ignored at the upcoming meeting.
THUS,  IF it is passed out at the Sierra Vista meeting a % are really going
to be totally pissed off and consider Lep. Soc. as the last thing they want
to be a part of.   Does Lep. Soc. really want a tiny, but HOT minority to
make that editorial the focus of the WHOLE MEETING about the beer barrel
and snack bar?   Let me be blunt - if Schappert was going to be continuing
as Editor,  I  would be dropping my 35 year old membership.   Why are you
deaf?  Because you are only listening to yourselves.  REAL leadership
listens to those being lead and notes that a fair % are upset with
something and ready to leave.  The reaction of proper leadership is not,
"Ah, they are just a bunch of oversensitive nuts."   NO, it's if I don't do
something we're going to lose them. AND, if we pass this thing out, it's
going to ruin the whole meeting because a few are going to bouncing off the
walls and disrupt everything.

Ron Gatrelle


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