Lep News Schappert Editorial

Stanley A. Gorodenski stan_gorodenski at asualumni.org
Wed Jul 13 16:58:18 EDT 2005


Paul Cherubini wrote:

>Stanley A. Gorodenski wrote:
>>As James Adams said, "... it isn't the horrid "attack on 
>>everybody" that some claim".
>I disagree. I think Schappert editorial was a attack on anyone 
>who collects and kills butterflies without a valid scientific reason.
>Look at what Schappert said: 
>1) "some [butterfly] collectors are simply living stamp collectors who 
>should know better by now."

It would be best if Schappert could say more in detail in this 
discussion group as to what he means by this. However, I myself have my 
own concept of what he is referring to, but I know of no one personally 
that falls in that category. In any event, if I am correctly seeing what 
he is objecting to I do not think it means he is on a crusade to create 
a social stigma against collecting.

>2) "there is still a need for VALID scientific collecting"

I agree that there is a need for valid scientific collecting. If 
collectors did not give the dates and locations of the specimens 
collected, at a minimum, they would be useless for other scientific studies.

>3) "where he [Glassberg] will, I'm sure, agree with me is that
>at this point in time "recreational collecting" serves no useful
>purpose and that such collectors should rightly be ashamed of

I already responded to this in my first post.

>4) "I'm a proponet of the "catch and release" method [of collecting]"

That is his opinion. Does this mean he is on a crusade against 
collecting? Maybe, but I do not know enough to come to this conclusion.

>Stan, can you explain or speculate why both Glassberg and Scappert
>are trying to create a social stigma against anyone who collects 
>and kills butterflies without a valid scientific reason.?

This is a loaded question I cannot answer because I have to up front 
accept that Schappert is trying to create a social stigma. Anyone has 
the right to their own opinion and anytime someone voices them they are 
automatically trying to influence others to accept their viewpoint. I do 
not know enough about Schappert to conclude he has gone beyond this and 
is on a strong and vigorous crusade to stop all collecting. Maybe you do.


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