Killing moths

Phil Cross pj_cross at
Thu Jul 14 05:21:04 EDT 2005

I am not a lepidopterist. I joined the list to help my 7 year old
grandson, who is a keen naturalist, and have sugared for moths, and
enjoyed their beauty in situ and in photographs I have taken.

I have read the recent correspondence with interest, and felt impelled
to offer my opinion, for what it is worth.

Killing wild creatures for a hobbyist collection is abhorrent to me; a
frivolous waste of beautiful life. I can see scientific study may
require dead specimens, but I can't see how otherwise it can be
justified. Why should it be different from the study of birds, for
example? I don't think there are any collectors of dead birds any
longer, and egg collectors are now punished by law.

Just my humble opinion, but I shall continue only to photograph and
enjoy these wild creatures alive. 
Regards, Phil.
  Phil Cross
  pj_cross at


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