"Thousands" of BWMs on Grand Isle, LA, post TS Cindy - July 2005

Mike Quinn Mike.Quinn at tpwd.state.tx.us
Thu Jul 14 13:27:39 EDT 2005

Have slowly been getting more information on the HUGE Black Witch moth
(Ascalapha odorata) fallout following Tropical Storm Cindy on Grand
Isle, Louisiana from Wayne Keller


Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 8:35 AM

The eye basically passed directly over us.  We had tremendous rain,
substantial wind  then about 2 hours of calm.  Then it hit, winds from
the North at 70-80mph..

Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 10:11 AM

I wound have to say thousands, as I have been seeing numerous moths
everywhere I go. And the people on the island keep calling. They think
they are butterflies that escaped when the Grand Isle Butterfly Dome was
destroyed in the storm.  I am the editor of the local paper, and did an
article on black witches, after a smaller fallout last year.   I am
having to educate people numerous times every day, explaining that they
are not butterflies or BATS.

Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 1:51 PM

After Tropical storm/Hurricane Cindy the island is Full of Black Witch

Wayne Keller
Grand Isle Port Commission
(504) 415-0102


Wayne Keller's observations closely mirror those of Brush Freeman's
observations of BWMs associated with Hurricane Claudette:

Freeman, B. 2003. A Fallout of Black Witches (Ascalapha odorata)
Associated with Hurricane Claudette. News of the Lepidopterists'
Society. 45(3):71. http://tinyurl.com/asequ

Similarities include:

***Intensity: both storms borderer between Tropical Storm and Hurricane

***Date of Land Fall:

TS Cindy: July 5, 2005

Hurr. Claudette: July 15, 2003

***Location of observations: both were made at the point where the eye
came ashore which was right on the Gulf coast:

Grand Isle, LA: http://tinyurl.com/aho45 

Port O'Connor: http://tinyurl.com/bhtle

***Origin: significantly, both storms brushed the Yucatan Peninsula
before crossing the Gulf of Mexico:

TS Cindy tracking map 

TS/Hurricane Claudette tracking map 

***Number of Moths: I often receive reports of BWMs near where
hurricanes or tropical storms come ashore, but most reports are in the
10s range, not the 100s to 1000s range.


Illustrations of Hurricane wind dynamics:

vertical cross section through a category 3 hurricane 
(move cursor over letters to see wind speeds)

animated vertical cross section of a hurricane's circulation

horizontal cross section of a hurricane

horizontal cross section showing winds relative to the eye. 

Computer model of three-dimensional hurricane wind circulation


Mike Quinn, Austin

Natural History of the Black Witch 


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