Killing moths

Grkovich, Alex agrkovich at
Fri Jul 15 09:30:13 EDT 2005

I wonder if these same folks among the multitudes who now routinely flick their cigarette butts out the windows of their SUV's, right into the street or onto the road (or into the grass)???

Whatever happened to the use of ashtrays???

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	owner-leps-l at [SMTP:owner-leps-l at] On Behalf Of Paul Cherubini
> Sent:	Thursday, July 14, 2005 12:02 PM
> To:	LEPS-L at
> Subject:	Re: Killing moths
> Ken Philip wrote:
> > As far as "the waste of beautiful life" goes, a very rough
> > estimate of the number of butterflies killed each year
> > in the U.S by cars and trucks is of the order of 10 billion.
> > The number _collected_ each year is an insignificant
> > fraction of that...
> And ironically, none of the big bird and butterfly
> conservation societies favor:
> a) Reinstating the national speed limit of 55 MPH
> because countless millions of lives of butterflies
> and birds could be saved by limiting speeds to
> 55 MPH plus sizable savings in fuel and
> greenhouse emissions.
>  b) Requiring vehicles to be downsized
> to the sizes of the late 70's / early 80's  to save
> additional millions of lives of butterflies and birds,
> help relieve traffic congestion and reduce the need
> to build more and wider roads.
> c) Requiring the physical sizes of new homes
> to be considerably smaller than those of today in order to
> conserve open space and habitat for
> additional millions of lives of butterflies and birds.
> Thus we end up with a society where the members
> of bird and butterfly conservation societies feel no shame 
> in killing massive numbers of butterflies and birds by 
> driving 75 MPH in large, comfortable vehicles to large, 
> comfortable homes, and who proudly buy their 
> kids a set of binoculars instead of a net in order to instill
> a sense of sensitivity and respect for wildlife and the 
> environment.
> Paul Cherubini
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