LepSoc News

Nick Grishin grishin at chop.swmed.edu
Wed Jul 27 19:03:52 EDT 2005

Below is a lucid and refreshing perspective! Thanks, Fred. It seems that
some collectors were offended by the editorial, but most watchers were
not. I am with Fred all the way. Additionally, the first authors in the
new US records paper are watchers well-known in the community.

On Wed, 27 Jul 2005, Fred  Heath wrote:

> Dear Ron,
> 	Please excuse my two cents from the watcher perspective (but a
> LepSoc member for several years), however I see this latest issue as
> fine for attracting new members from the watcher side. I just returned
> last night from Europe and looked over my copy for the first time with
> my coffee this morning. I had read the editorial a few weeks ago when
> you first raised questions about it and was not particularly offended by
> it, although like editorials anywhere, I don't necessarily agree with
> everything in it.
> 	The issue had a great article about all those new U.S. records
> in the LRGV which turns us watcher types on, as well as an article with
> lots of pretty pictures of butterflies from some tropical paradise (my
> jet lag must be kicking in because I can't remember where in the world
> that article was about....not Suriname as that was in the previous
> issue). As a marketing type (in electronics and not leps), I think this
> issue will be great for attracting new members.
> -----Best regards, Fred
> Ron wrote:
> No one is to be "blamed" because we don't know the future.  So my first
> point is that the hand-out was a great idea.  None of the people on the
> committee or in EC leadership have ANY fault in this whatsoever _before
> the
> fact_.  No one knew that when the product hit the shelves that it would
> have been tampered with and need a recall.
> My second point is that Charles is right about rushed.  When one decides
> to
> put out a promotional product one should simply have the finished
> promotional product in hand to make sure there are no glitches.
> If the plan went as planned nothing would be going on right now and
> everyone would be happily and patting the committee on the back at the
> meeting.   But, one person's unilateral action became the fly in the
> perfume.  The product has went to the standard customers BUT it has not
> yet
> been put on the AZ meeting "shelf yet".   It can't be recalled from Lep.
> Soc. circulation.  However, the bottom line in this thread is that it
> still
> _has not_ been put out on the shelf at the AZ meeting.   Per the
> membership
> committee idea, it is being talked about here like it has been
> implemented
> _which it has not_.  Until they are actually passed out it remains but a
> PLAN.  All sides have had their internet say, now it is just a matter of
> those who will make the final decision deciding if the product is still
> OK
> to put on this particular shelf.
> As I said earlier, passed out or not, it is certainly not something I
> want
> to talk about at the meeting.  I just want to have a good positive time
> there personally and show the TILS flag.
> Ron Gatrelle
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