Fwd: Rainforest peoples and butterflies request

Ernest Williams ewilliam at hamilton.edu
Thu Jun 16 08:05:02 EDT 2005

Lep folks,

Can anyone on the list help this person with photos?  Thanks.


>Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 16:48:09 +1200
>From: Sarahm <sarahm at weldonowen.co.nz>
>Subject: Rainforest peoples and butterflies request / Weldon Owen Education
>To: ewilliam at hamilton.edu, KBliss0568 at aol.com
>X-PMX-Version:, Antispam-Engine:,
>  Antispam-Data: 2005.6.15.41
>Original-recipient: rfc822;ewilliam at hamilton.edu
>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 16 Jun 2005 04:49:26.0562 (UTC)
>  FILETIME=[C5FC1020:01C5722E]
>Dear Ernest Williams and Kenneth Bliss,
>I'm a photo researcher at Weldon Owen Education, a children's 
>educational publishing company in New Zealand.
>We are currently producing a children's educational  book about how 
>indigenous peoples use natural resources in rainforests.  The editor 
>for the book would like to locate pictures of butterfly farmers or 
>catchers in rainforests. Especially where the farming or collecting 
>is being done by local people in a sustainable way.
>Do you have any suggestions for possible sources for such photos?
>Any help would be greatly appreciated!
>Many thanks for your time and looking forward to hearing from you.
>Kindest regards,
>Sarah Matthewson
>Sarah Matthewson
>Weldon Owen Education
>  P O Box 91645
>  Level 1, 39 Market Pl
>  Auckland
>  New Zealand
>  Ph: 64 9 358 0190
>  Fax: 64 9 356 3385



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