Compairing Stalleicken & Reppert papers

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Sat Jun 25 14:48:35 EDT 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ed Reinertsen" <ereinertsen at>
To: <monarch at>; <leps-l at>
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: Compairing Stalleicken & Reppert papers

> Ron some time back had mentioned that one possibility could be there
> be a flexible
> migratory instinct for multidirectional migratory routs.

The western mind likes to put things in organized thought boxes.  Evolution
operates outside the box.  Within the life of organisms are things we will
never know OR figure out.   It should be a law in biological science that
"humans don't know".  That as a basic law would mean that ANY hypothesis or
concept that humans come up with on living things is likely flawed to some
degree.  Thus, more research is always needed and nothing written in stone.
It should also be assumed that living things have within their genes _many_
back door mechanisms that provide them the capability to escape or jump to
other places and means of living.  It's too bad we call this mutation or
aberration when it is more like sending out a scout party or a space probe
or a dove to see if the flood waters have receded.  If the dove doesn't
come back - all is well, and the whole population or organism can now
safely move into a new paradigm of living.  Evolution is a very intelligent

Humans _like_ Monarch migration - esp. to Mexoco and back.  But Monarch's
don't _need_ it unless they need it.  And when they don't need it, or if
they need to change the direction, it will go or be changed but they will
remain.   It is too bad that some seem to value the migration tool (want to
perpetually preserve it) more than the Monarch that uses it.  This tool
belongs to the Monarchs and they can do with it whatever they want - they
DON'T BELONG TO IT.   Which is what some obviously think because they cry
day and night that if the tool goes away so will plexippus.  Plexippus
would then be its prisoner - not its utilizer. All tools get put away when
the user is done with it or it no longer is the best tool for the job.   If
some whackos had their way dinosaurs would have never went warm blooded,
developed feathers and wings and flew away.

The only thing on earth that has to have Mexican Monarch Migration are the
tiny group of people who make their livelihood off of it.  It is only
indispensable to THEM.  God forbit the Monarch might decide to "go a
different way."   Set off a volcano in Mexico and they will just all follow
their scouts and go someplace else.

Probably shouldn't have posted anything here as I usually just let this
group (tool) stay put.  In case some might miss it, this post is about the
ability of the weedy Monarch to adapt.  Thus, it should be considered a
logical fact that Monarchs have members of their overall species population
with varying genetic switches by which they can do all sorts of things we
can't even imagine - and thus certainly have the genes to test different
migrational routes so that when the earth gets hit by a meteor and shifts
on its axes they will just make a left turn on keep on keeping on as a form
of life.  Hey, some day they might even have to become wingless and start
eating roots.  But by then the surviving Homo sapiens might be long gone to
another planet and never know it.  The Monarch is not a fragile insect.



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