Massachusetts Butterfly Symposium April 16th 2005

Dave Small dhsmall at
Wed Mar 2 21:51:34 EST 2005

Please spread the word, And join us for a great day of talks, exhibits, and

Massachusetts Butterfly Symposium
Saturday, April 16, 2005
8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Athol-Orange Elks Hall
Route 2A, Orange, Ma

Topics: History, Field Studies, & Conservation
Chronicle of Butterfly Study in Mass, Monarch Monitoring Project,
Butterfly: Natural History, Photography, Gardening,
 Plus New England Atlases, Moths and Much, much more.

Keynote Speaker
Jeff Glassberg - President of the North American Butterfly Association

Register early as space is limited
On the web at
Or mail check to "ABNC" with your name, address, phone and e-mail
to: Butterfly Symposium, 100 Main Street, Athol, MA 01331
$35.00 early bird Registration available until March 16, 2005
$40.00 registration after March 16
Symposium Pin  add $5.00
Registration includes coffee, noon meal, and entrance to speakers & exhibits

Exhibitors and Sponsors Include:
Swift Optics
North American Butterfly Association, New England Wildflower Society,
Magic Wings, Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary Foundation,
Brown Bag Productions-Dick Walton, Eagle Optics, Brunton,
Dean's Beans and others

Hosted by
Athol Bird and Nature Club & Massachusetts Butterfly Club
Questions: abnc at


Massachusetts Butterfly Symposium
Saturday April 16, 2005
Registration Form

Name _______________________________________________
Address  ______________________________________________
Phone ______________________________________________
E-mail ______________________________________________
Information on others registering with this payment:
Name _______________________________________________
Address  ______________________________________________
Phone ______________________________________________
E-mail ______________________________________________
If additional registrations are included, please write additional informatio
n on the back of this form. Thank you.
Symposium Pin ($5/pin)  ............... $_________
Registration Fee ($35/person to March 16, afterwards $40)...   $_________
Please enclose a check payable to ABNC to cover total cost .  $ _________
Mail this form and your check to:
Butterfly Symposium, 100 Main Street, Athol, Ma 01331

Dave Small
Athol, Ma
dave at
cell: 978-413-1772

Massachusetts Butterfly Symposium
April 16, 2005 - Sign up Today


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